Haldon Thompsons
TEL: 0161 430 2244
Why don’t we store your password?
As a result of adding more functionality to the website, such as credit card payments, we will not be storing customer login details, as this can potentially be a security risk. You still have the option of saving your login details in your own browser, at your discretion – but we would not recommend this.
Launch of new industry-leading app
We are delighted to announce the launch of our brand-new fully transactional mobile trade app, MyHeadlam. The app is available for iOS and Android, mobile and tablet, and allows customers to trade with all their local Headlam brands ‘on the go’, in a quick, easy and convenient way, offering a seamless customer experience.

The app features a Room Visualiser, an innovative tool to showcase products in room settings. Customers will also be able to use the app to search for all products, check real-time availability and prices, place orders quickly, track live orders and access all accounts held with Headlam businesses.
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